Connection Questions

January 27, 2018

Great Mercy

Grace is the Lord giving you something you don’t deserve. Mercy is God holding back what you do deserve. God said that in His temple there was to be a place of mercy. The Mercy Seat had its place in the temple. All of heaven screams, “Give him another chance!!!” every time we mess up. There is always a Mercy Seat in God’s house. When there is nothing but judgment and law then failure is certain. It must be mixed with grace and with mercy.


Jesus said, blessed are the following:

  1. The poor in Spirit. They are not puffed up or proud.
  2. They that mourn. They feel deeply.
  3. Those who are meek. They do not offend.
  4. Those who hunger and thirst. Wanting more and more of Jesus.
  5. The Merciful. You don’t judge and throw stones when others are down.
  6. The pure in heart. Your motives are love and care for others.
  7. The peacemakers. They find ways to quiet the stormy waters.
  8. Those who are persecuted for His Name’s sake. Endure, knowing the Lord is with you and He sees.



  1. Which of the above are you strongest in?
  2. How could you take this strength and use it for the Kingdom this week?
  3. Which ones above would you consider to be a weakness?
  4. Would you be willing to make these areas a matter of prayer this week?
  5. How do these weaknesses affect your relationship with others?



We don’t always have to see eye to eye to be connected to each other. On the mercy seat the angel’s wings touch but their eyes do not meet.



  1. Are there relationships you care about in your life that are currently affected by not seeing eye to eye on an issue?
  2. Would you agree that there are enough major issues you agree on that you could overlook the few you don’t for the sake of having a relationship restored?



See others through the blood and mercy of Jesus. Let mercy have a seat ion your home. Let mercy have a seat in your life.


Sometimes we interpret others in negative ways through our own perceptions. But God does not see what you see. Ask the Lord for HIS eyes to see people. Don’t put “horns” on people the way Da Vinci painted Moses. He painted based on a false interpretation.

We need to believe in one another and love one another. We must have a place of mercy.


Final Thoughts:

We don’t appreciate mercy until we need it. Mercy is one of the most powerful and profound gifts the Lord has ever given us. The law condemns but mercy brings life. Restoration and provision comes through the mercy of God. Do justly, be humble…and love mercy (Micah 6:8). We give mercy and we receive mercy. What if the only mercy you would ever receive would be measured exactly by the same amount as you have ever given. Mercy is a discipline and it is a decision. Give mercy a place in your world. Instead of giving criticism this week, consider only making your complaint or observation to the Lord. Give place to mercy.


Scripture References:

I Chronicles 28:10-11; Micah 6:8


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