It may feel like God has put you on hold, but He hasn’t forgotten about you. You may feel bound and broken now, but it’s only 11:59. There is a timing to God’s miracles, and if you make it through, a midnight miracle will break you out!
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God desires for us to embrace the old and the new. When you treasure the old, new things will begin to spring forth. As you honor the traditions passed down, you also make room for new things God wants to do.
It may feel like God has put you on hold, but He hasn’t forgotten about you. You may feel bound and broken now, but it’s only 11:59. There is a timing to God’s miracles, and if you make it through, a midnight miracle will break you out!
Sermon Notes
It may feel like God has put you on hold, but He hasn’t forgotten about you. You may feel bound and broken now, but it’s only 11:59. There is a timing to God’s miracles, and if you make it through, a midnight miracle will break you out!
Key Scriptures:
Acts 16:10-27: Exodus 11:4; Ruth 3:8; Romans 8:35-39
Key Points:
Final Thoughts:
God works the midnight shift. It’s 11:59 and God is about to open the door, loose the chains, and perform His prophecy in your life. Midnight miracles are on the way!