Start The Year Off Placing God First.
Join the FastWhat is Fasting?
When you fast, you partner with God. He desires to have a divine partnership with you in the area of fasting and prayer for your family, your life, and His purpose in the earth. There are times when God requires us to take a physical action to receive a spiritual blessing.
There's a connection between what we do physically and what God releases spiritually in the Bible. Exodus 17 tells the story of Moses holding up his hands with a staff and, as long as his hands were extended, the battle was won against the enemies of Israel. But when Moses’ arms started getting weary, the battle would start to turn as his arms would let down and Israel's enemies would begin to prevail.
The story tells us that there are times when what we do physically affects our circumstances, the battle and the victory spiritually. Fasting is perhaps the most powerful physical action a Christian can take to show God how sincere you are about wanting to see change.
Learn More About Fasting
Learn The Basics, Understand The Types Of Fast And Get Know Helpful Tips As You Join This Movement.
Testimonies of God's Goodness
My husband went to grocery and thought he paid for the groceries until he looked at the receipt a month later when he was reconciling his credit...
My husband went to grocery and thought he paid for the groceries until he looked at the receipt a month later when he was reconciling his credit card bill. No record of the purchase was on the bill. He looked closer and saw at the top of the receipt: YOUR CHECKOUT WAS PROVIDED BY JESUS. It was $120.17!!! This was just 2 weeks into the 21 day fast!
This is the 3rd year in a row since my husband and I started fasting together that we’ve received some form of miracle money immediately a...
This is the 3rd year in a row since my husband and I started fasting together that we’ve received some form of miracle money immediately after. We are just in awe!
On the 9th day of my fasting and prayer, God brought my husband out of darkness back into His marvelous Light, and resurrected our marriage that...
On the 9th day of my fasting and prayer, God brought my husband out of darkness back into His marvelous Light, and resurrected our marriage that had been dead for over five years! To God be the Glory!!! We praise His Holy name!!!
I have been reading & re-reading Fasting, since 2010. It's my favorite book, next to the Bible. I have a hard copy & an ebook, from ...
I have been reading & re-reading Fasting, since 2010. It's my favorite book, next to the Bible. I have a hard copy & an ebook, from Google PlayBooks. The ebook has become my go-to book now, it's so convenient.
I just want to thank you for the encouragement to fast, I feel so blessed. Thank you.
I am so excited when it’s the time of the year to Fast and pray together. Both me and husband, Tony, reside in Belgium. When we first gave...
I am so excited when it’s the time of the year to Fast and pray together. Both me and husband, Tony, reside in Belgium. When we first gave our Life to Jesus we discovered Pastor Jentenzen Franklin through the youtube this was in 2006. We followed his sermons regularly and once he shared about the Daniel’s fast My husband ordered on-line resources and read through them and shared with me too. We then decided to join Free Chapel with the Fasting.
This is our 25th year usually we do it together, but this year Tony is relocated to Sierra Leone 🇸🇱 and we are together in spirit. We are looking forward to seeing and being with our Lord Almighty.
It has been such a blessing how we by God’s Grace fall upon Free Chapel God willing would love to be there one day or to invite Pastor Jentenzen Franklin to our home church in Belgium, Brussels.
May the Lord continue to bless Pastor Jentenzen Franklin, his pastoral team and ministries.
Free Fasting Resources
Get the tools you need to grow on your fasting journey.
Fasting Best Sellers
Fasting: Opening the Door to a Deeper, More Intimate, More Powerful Relationship with God

Jentezen Franklin Legacy Bible
Let us know
We can agree with you in prayer during this time of fasting and prayer.
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Start the year off placing God first!
"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." Matthew 6:33