• James 2:14–26; 3:1-12
  • Swindoll’s Living Insights: “James”
    • Faith at Work (Vs. 2:14-26): Pages 54–64
    • Bridling the Tongue (Vs. 3:1–12): Pages 64–73


  1. Define the clear issue in 2:14.  Why would people claim to have genuine faith if they don’t?  What might motivate this kind of deception (or delusion) in our world today?  How would you know for sure if another person is truly born again – or can you?  
  2. Re–read 2:15-16.  Does this mean that we should help everyone in need?  What if they aren’t a “brother or sister” in Christ?  Isn’t discernment needed?  What constitutes a real need according to this passage?  How can we discover real needs in our own church or community?  What are those needs?
  3. James attacks cold, intellectual belief in 2:19-20.  Illustrate this kind of strong approach to Christianity with a couple of modern examples.  Why is it wrong to agree to the facts without having it affect your life?  In what ways do you tend to intellectualize rather than actualize your faith?
  4. Re–read 2:21-25.  Abraham and Rahab – what a combination!  Think about the differences between those two examples of fruitful faith and write about why James would use them as illustrations.  Their stories are also found in Genesis 22 and Joshua 2 and 6.  Put yourself in their place and describe how difficult it would be for you to exhibit faith in those circumstances.  What circumstances in your life make it difficult for you to live out your faith today?
  5. Looking back to the time you were saved, can you think of specific “works” that soon occurred, that demonstrated to others that your faith in Christ was genuine?  Share a few of the changes God has brought about in your life.  
  6. Based on James 2:20 and 26, would you describe your faith as “living” or “dead” – profitable or useless?
  7. In James 3, who is being “called out” by James in verse 1?  Why do you think teachers will fall under stricter judgment?  
  8. The word body is used at the end of 3:2.  That word can have several different meanings in the New Testament.  What do you think it means here?


  1. Do you think it’s impossible to “tame the tongue” as it says in 3:8?  How would a person do this?  If you tried to tame your speaking habits, how would you go about it?
  2. How would you describe the situation in 3:9–12?  Who is James talking about here and what can we guess about these people?

After you have emailed the responses to the questions, finish the week by writing a two 

paragraph reflection on your first session/week.  Email me your reflection.  


Your reflection should include the following:

• What you learned

• How your spiritual life has been impacted by this study

• How you will apply what you’ve learned


Move on to week 5