Connection Questions

May 31, 2015


What an amazing God we serve. A God who not only rids us of our shame, cleanses us of our sins but gives us multiple second-chances to come home. Through the parables of the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son we can see depictions of Christ’s love for the church, as well as instructions for how we should carry out our lives as believers.

 Connection questions:

  1. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, who does the robber represent?
  1. What is Euphoric Recall?
  1. Where does sin always originate?
  1. What are the two things sin seeks to take from you and me?
  1. What does “religion” do when seeing the man hurt in the middle of the road?
  1. God doesn’t call the qualified He _________________ the __________________.


I don’t know what is surrounding you today. You may have willfully stepped into sin, and it may have robbed you. Maybe you have strayed away intentionally and feel unworthy to try to start again. I want to remind you that you are accepted by the King of Kings, Christ Jesus, whether you are at your best or at you are at your worst. Not only does the Father offer freedom and redemption, but grace and infinite second chances.

I pray you find Him running towards you today.

Connection Point:

“Come near to God and He will come near to you” – James 4:8
