Connection Questions

November 13, 2015

Love What God Loves, Hate What God Hates

We live in a society of acceptance where moral boundaries have been cast into the sea. Even the church remains silent on some contemporary issues so not to offend. This is wrong. We are called to love people. But is staying mute on these issues really loving them? If we don’t take a stand, we are essentially saying these things do not matter to us. And they must matter!

Connection Point: To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven … A time to love, And a time to hate (Ecclesiastes 3:8). 

Connection questions:

  1. How many things does the bible say God hates?
  2. According to Isaiah 5, when we don’t stand up for the things God hates, what are we essentially doing?
  3. How does the bible define “fearing the Lord”?
  4. What is the inherent risk in only loving what God loves and NOT hating what He hates?
  5. What happens when we continue to ignore the Holy Spirit in our lives?
  6. What is our responsibility as believers moving forward?

Conclusion: If we truly call ourselves Christians, we must not only love what God loves, but we must hate what He hates. This does not give us license to ever act hateful towards any individual; in fact we must love them deeper. It is the kindness of God that draws people into repentance. But we also cannot turn a blind eye towards the truths explicitly laid out for us in scripture. We can no longer sit on our hands on these issues. It is time to wake up and speak up! Let us love more fiercely than we have ever before and let us pray for our nation as if our lives depended on it. Because they do.  They really do.
