Connection Questions

February 2, 2018

God's Law of Attraction


Deuteronomy 8:7-18; II Kings 3:16-18; II Kings 4:2-6



Your subtraction gains God’s attraction. Don’t settle for being full. Create a need for God. He told the woman to borrow “not a few” containers for the blessing the Lord was about to pour out. Many times we reach a point where we think we are fine just like we are. We don’t hunger or pursue or cry out for more of God, more of His presence, or more of His blessing. But our God wants to respond to your need. In the US we take pride in being INDEPENDENT but is Christ, it is very attractive to the Lord when He sees you acknowledge that we are completely DEPENDENT upon the Lord.


We must put out “not a few” buckets and containers if we wish the blessing to continue to flow. When the buckets were full, the oil stopped flowing. If you want the oil of God’s blessing to continue to flow to you and into your life then you must continue to pour out your requests unto the Lord. He loves to respond to your need! Greater influence, greater success is yours, if only you would ask and ask with passion.


Key Points:

  1. God requires a need



Can you identify your buckets---those areas where you need more of God or those areas you would like God to fill with His favor or divine help?


You must continually have a need before the Lord

  1. God responds to great need
  2. His Presence is attracted to our greatest needs
  3. Our safety and security may be locking God’s power out of your life
  4. God is not drawn to full, He is drawn to empty
  5. Jesus came for the sick and not the well.




Can you identify unhealthy areas in your life where you need a touch from God?

  1. If you will not put your need or your next step or your greatest dream before the Lord then He will cut off His blessing until you recognize and cry out in need
  2. Peer-fear keeps people from the Lord. We worry about what people think if we come to the altar.
  3. The Lord is drawn to brokenness and honesty. We hide it and try to keep the “withered” places in our life out of public view


Final Thoughts:

God has a role for you to play in the Kingdom and you may think you are good right where you are. But God wants to stretch you and use you in NEW ways this year. Put out “not a few” containers. We want to move to a place where we need nothing, but the Lord wants you to take GREAT STEPS OF FAITH that place you continually in a place of great need…needs that only the Lord can provide. If you have a need, you have to unashamedly give it to the Lord. Do not allow people to silence you. Take those next steps of faith…even if there is great risk. Where there is great risk, there is great need. Where there is great need, there is the Presence and supernatural provision of God. Dig a ditch today. Borrow “not a few” containers. Trust God with a fresh need today.
