Dig It
People in our services received a plastic spoon as they entered as a reminder of what we are hoping God will do. My prayer for you today is that your spoon would be turned into a shovel. If you find yourself feeling like you are in a pit, then you are closer to the water than you have ever been. The rain that falls from above is good, but it is greater to have water that comes from a well, because that water will provide for you and your family for generations.
When you plant yourself in a church, you are digging the well that will affect the generations to come after you.
Key Scriptures
Genesis 26:18; Proverbs 5:15; Genesis 26:18; Genesis 22:5; Ezekiel 47:3-4
Key Points
1. As you dig, you are removing the dirt that needs to be removed. To go deeper toward the well, dirt must be removed and removed far enough that it doesn’t fall back in.
2. Every time you sacrifice and give you are digging to reach a well that will outlive you. When you give, you not only help the church, you are making an investment into the future of your family.
3. The enemy will wait until you die to try to stop up the well for your children. After you are gone, your faith will live on but your faith will have to be embraced by the next generation. That happens when your children see you digging the well. Your example matters. Your faithfulness matters. The next generation will follow your example. The generation behind you will not let the enemy substitute dirty water for pure water.
4. We must ask the Lord to help us clean up the wells that are the foundation of our faith. The wells of modesty, morality, prayer, prophesy, sacrifice, servanthood, revival, restoration and so many more have been clogged up by the enemy—but we must re-dig those wells.
5. We must never settle for muddy water. There is water, but it is not pure. We have gotten used to drinking muddy water when we should demand only the pure. That’s why there is false doctrine, a watered-down gospel, shallow praise and worship, weak faith and timid prayers. We have to keep digging until we hit the purest of water.
6. We must refuse to rename the wells of biblical truth. Abraham named the wells, but kept their original names. Repentance and salvation through the blood of Jesus are still as true today as ever before. There is still only one name given for salvation - Jesus. You still have to come out and be separate from the world. There are still only two final destinations for every man and woman—heaven and hell. Jesus is still Lord.
7. Baptism in the Holy Spirit is as real today as any time in history. That is a well that still produces pure water.
8. There are wells we need to re-dig at Free Chapel.
I. Praise and Worship - Worship needs to take place from the front to the back, not just on the front line and the front row. We need to abandon to the Lord, and without care for what others think. We must never be ashamed to worship.
II. Sacrifice - Sacrifice has been sacrificed on an altar of easy “believe-ism.” We have bred a generation of people asking what their church can do for them. We have it backwards. We must continue to cry out, “Lord, what would you have me do?” There must be a willing spirit that says, “I will do anything you want me to do!” God is not your Goodwill store. This is a battleship, and sometimes it requires sacrifice!
III. Faith - Abraham was called the father of faith. Will we preach healing? Miracles? Or will it just become head knowledge. Unbelief and doubt have replaced proclamation and faith! We can’t just play church. We must shout, “You can do it God!”
Final Thoughts
Some of you have convinced yourself to simply live with your mountains … settling for only a few of your children knowing Jesus. But that thinking does not come from God or from His word. Keep digging. When we have more deserts than downpours, it’s time to dig. We need a fresh baptism of power. We need a powerful public manifestation, but a private conversation with God must come first. Allow the Lord to turn your spoon into a shovel; because you are not just digging for yourself, you are digging for your children and your children’s children. Someone dug a well for you—and now it’s your time to dig.
Ask the Lord to take that Holy Ghost spoon and get the carnality and the compromise out of you. He will clean you and make YOU a well of living water!