A Cup or a Well
Perspective is a powerful thing. Often our trials are magnified and our blessings, minimized. This is exactly what the enemy wants us to believe. The truth tells us differently. Though we all encounter a cup of trials, God blesses His believers with a never ending WELL of blessing. Give Him praise today! You are blessed.
Connection Point
“But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:14).
Connection Questions
- In the Old Testament we had a cup of salvation, what do we have in the New Testament?
- What does the "cup" represent in the Old Testament? How did one maintain their salvation?
- What are New Testament trials referred to? What hope does this give us?
- How do we get the "junk out of the well?"
- What direction is "God's language?" What does this mean to you?
- We are called to be _________-bearers.
The cup we keep returning to, our own might, will always leave us desperate for more. But God’s well is sufficient. The full life awaits you at His well. A restored family awaits you at His well. Provision and healing await you at His well. Take your eyes off of the cup of trials, and return to His well.