
April 13, 2022

"This food is like gold." A Thank You from our Kingdom Connection Food Distribution Center in Haiti

Here's an update from our missionary partners in Haiti. Thank you for your continued partnership with this ministry allowing us to send 272,000 meals each month to Haiti, and for your commitment to making miracles like this happen in the most unlikely places! 


Dear Pastor Jentezen,


As the Haitians would say, "it is with "happy heart," that we write to you today to thank you again and again for your monthly support of $10,000 for an entire container of food.


We say, "this food is like gold." We have been distributing food in many villages and also added a new village, called "Blanket." These people in Blanket sit in the dry, rocky riverbed and break up rocks by hand, with a small tool called a "malto." When they get a huge pile, they sell it to a truck that comes by — It usually takes them three months to make a pile of rocks. Sometimes, the truck driver gets their rocks on credit and never returns to pay them. 


Haitian Children


This is a tough way to try to get food for your children each day … With the increasing number of gangs on the streets, it is getting more difficult for the poor to go and sell, which is their main trade. Also, our truck drivers who bring in the food containers, put their lives in the hands of God every time they bring in a container of food, but they know they are helping their people.


Mann Pack Food Box


We don't have any words that could describe our deepest thanks and appreciation for what you do but we just want to say "thank you," from our hearts and from the heart of the people of Haiti! 


We all love you and all your partners and we are deeply appreciative, 


Bobby and Sherry




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