Five Powerful Prayers To Pray
Introduction God has a plan for you. Realizing that plan takes some commitment on your part. I believe there are five specific ways to pray if you want to see His plan fulfilled in your life. In this message, I’m talking about the importance of getting God’s perspective, being prayerful, enlarging your potential, being positive, and expecting God’s provision. Focus your prayers on these five areas and watch God’s blessings leave you astounded!
Connection Questions
1. What are the “5 Ways to Pray” Pastor Franklin talks about in this message?
2. How can changing your perspective change your response to a situation?
3. Just like the Koi fish, our environments can stifle our growth. What is something you can begin doing now that will challenge your potential?
4. Why is being positive important to your growth as a Christian?
5. Pastor uses the acronym F.I.R.S.T. in talking about Jesus being first in your life. Reflect on each of the areas he mentions and discuss where you need to focus on making Him first.
Conclusion Why settle for being a small fish in a small pond when God has so much more for you! Realize your potential and see God’s plan fulfilled in your life by challenging yourself to pray in these five specific ways.
Connection Point: I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people (Eph 1:18)