Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (Part 3)
“For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” Matthew 11:30
The mother of Jesus , Mary went from being confused and worried about bearing a child to worshiping, dancing, and singing praises. Her circumstances had not changed, but when her focus changed, her feelings changed. She started focusing on the promise rather than the problem.
Joseph stopped being hurt and brokenhearted when he focused on God. When his focus changed, his feelings also changed. Instead of focusing on his pain, he focused on God’s plan. He realized, “God has a different plan for my life, and I’m not going to fight it. I’m going to go with it.” And when he decided to do that, everything changed.
And the wise men stopped being terrified. Only God can turn panic into praise, worry into worship, and fear into fun. God can even turn panic into a party. The shepherds started praising God and running through the streets when they focused on Jesus.
These exhausted, worn-down, stressed-out wise men gained a new perspective. They had been focused on their aching feet, missing their families, and all the things they had given up to follow the star. But when they finally saw Jesus, all the exhaustion and frustration left instantly.
The moment they all focused on Jesus, everything was made right. When their focus changed, their emotions changed, their joy changed, and their purpose caused them to get up and go on. They went from giving up to getting up. When you focus on Jesus, everything changes. Obstacles and trials begin to seem like stepping stones when your focus is on God’s plan.