Daily Devotion

June 12, 2024

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

“Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean He no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.” Romans 8:35 & 37 


The arrival of the Savior of the world was a highly anticipated and groundbreaking event that should have evoked the biggest celebration in history. However, when you read the story in the Bible, you see that the main characters involved were overwhelmed, stressed out, and terrified. They didn’t know what in the world was going on, and their lives were thrown into chaos. But great things often come out of challenging times.


First, there was Mary. When the angel told her she would have the Son of God, she had numerous concerns and questions. “Why me? What’s going on? How? When? Where? What will I tell my parents, friends, and my fiancé?” Luke 1:29 tells us that Mary was confused and deeply disturbed. 


Then Joseph was hurt and broken-hearted. His fiancé had just told him she was pregnant and that he was not the father. Her story had to be hard to believe. He probably felt betrayed, embarrassed, and discouraged. The normal thing to do would be to write a bill of divorcement, as was the law of that time, and call off the engagement and the wedding. He was most likely hurt deeply and ready to walk away from that whole scene. 


Maybe you are similar to Mary and Joseph and at a place in your life where you’ve got so many questions and concerns. You don’t know what’s going on. You don’t understand why things have turned out like they have and may ask yourself, “Why has God thrown my life into chaos?” Maybe you’re worried and confused, just like Mary. Possibly, you are heartbroken and have been through a terrible hurt like Joseph. Perhaps it’s a divorce or some kind of fractured relationship in your life that’s left you devastated. You feel betrayed and abandoned.  


Perhaps, like these heroes of the Bible, you just can’t see the end of the story. Had Mary and Joseph known what that little baby Jesus would mean to this world and what their small acts of obedience would do, they would not have fretted at all. Everything in your life, including the difficult things, can be used for God’s glory to accomplish His will. You may be in a blind spot in your life story but trust that God has something great coming right around the corner.


Watch the Full Sermon Here
