Daily Devotion

October 4, 2024

Stay Out Of The Woods! (Part 4)

“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Philippians 4:8 


In 2 Samuel 18 there is the story of King David’s son Absalom. Absalom rebelled against David and started a civil war. During the final battle for the throne, Absalom made the decision to lead his men into the forest. This decision did not turn out well. The woods devoured twenty thousand men and Absalom became entangled in one of the trees as he fled. This can serve as a warning to God’s people to stay out of the woods. Stay away from wrong environments and negative people. Ultimately it was their surroundings that lost the battle for them.


As Absalom was hanging in a branch by his hair the enemy came but he did not kill him right away. In the same manner, as long as the enemy knows the woods have control over your head he will not be in a hurry to strike your heart. As long as the woods are controlling your thought life and as long as you’re filling your mind with nothing but what the world has to say, the enemy knows he’s got you. If you don’t read the Word, hang around Christian people, and have no desire to attend church you are “in the woods.” Watch your thought life. Stay off of that social media page. Stay out of that situation. Don’t hang out with those people. Stay out of that party. Let wisdom protect you. Don’t put yourself in situations where you will even be tempted to compromise.  


Absalom was ultimately stabbed with three darts. He died because he was entangled in a tree due to his own bad decision. The good news today is that there is another tree. It is called Calvary. Jesus was pierced with three darts (or nails) through His feet and hands. And as He hung on that tree, He did it so that you could be free from all the trees in the woods of sin. There’s victory in the cross. There’s power over regret, shame, failure, and your past. He paid the price so you don’t have to. Pray this prayer:


“Lord, here I am. I’m coming to the cross. You took those darts in your body so that I could be forgiven. I am yours. I give you my body. I give you my mind. I give you my spirit. Cleanse me. Please forgive me for all of the sins I’ve committed in the woods. Fill me with the power of your Holy Spirit. I surrender to you right now, in Jesus name. Amen.”


Watch the Full Sermon Here
