Daily Devotion

November 30, 2014

Learning to Walk by Faith (3)

“Faith comes from hearing the message…through the word.”     Ro 10:17 NIV                   

What does it mean to “walk by faith”? (2Co 5:7 NAS). It’s radically different from walking by sight, reason, emotion or intellect. It calls you to live above these things. It enables you to enter the realm of supernatural possibilities because Jesus said, “All things are possible to one who believes” (Mk 9:23 NIV). Here are some scriptural principles about faith that will help you: (1) It’s not rooted in human effort. Self-confidence and intellectual acumen don’t qualify. Optimism, good luck and social connections don’t qualify. Learning religious formulas won’t do it either. (2) It’s rooted in God’s unlimited power and unchanging Word. “Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word.” The Word of God, received and residing within you, continuously produces faith within you. No teeth-gritting super-effort is required; you simply decide to believe what God says and respond to it. (3) Walking by faith calls for action. “Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds” (Jas 2:18 NIV). Until you act, your faith is useless. “In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead” (v.17 NIV). The moment you act your faith springs to life, inviting God to move on your behalf. Today He’s waiting for you to act so that He can respond to you. Even if you don’t feel like it, ask yourself, “What would my first step of faith be if I really felt like taking action?” Do it! You’ll be walking by faith and reaping the rewards! (See Heb 11:6).
