Daily Devotion

October 24, 2024

How to Encourage Yourself

“And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.” 1 Samuel 30:6 


When all was lost David encouraged himself in the Lord. His kids and wife were kidnapped and his home burned to the ground. His men talked of stoning him. He had no one to encourage him. There has to come a time where you start saying, “If I can’t get help from anybody, I’m gonna encourage myself in the Lord.” Sometimes your husband is not there for you. Sometimes your wife is not there to encourage you. Sometimes your best friends are not there. But here’s a powerful thing. David encouraged himself in the Lord his God. He had an inner citadel deep down inside of him that said “If you push me hard enough, if you squeeze me hard enough, if you put enough pressure on me, you know that praise is going to come out of me!”


So how do you encourage yourself in the Lord? What do you do when things are looking bleak and you can’t see a light at the end of the tunnel? Number one, rehearse your past victories. David started going back in his mind. He didn’t have anybody to encourage him. His family was kidnapped. He was homeless. All his silver and money had been stolen. He was broke, so he didn’t have any encouragement in his resources. He turned to his friends and they didn’t have his back. They were ready to throw stones.


Perhaps he remembered when he was just tending sheep. He didn’t have a house or a kingdom or a bunch of friends. But God sent the prophet to pour oil over him and God anointed him. And David remembered he had the power of God active in his life. He may have remembered how the spirit of the Lord came to him each time the sheep needed protection and when he was able to slay bears, lions and then one day Goliath. David remembered how God was with him in that scary situation and it gave him courage.


Shake off feeling sorry for yourself and all of that talk of being a victim. Stand up to this challenge and encourage yourself in the Lord. God has never failed you. He’s always put food on the table. He’s always provided for you. He’s always blessed the work of your hands. You’re going to be okay.


The second way you can encourage yourself in the Lord is to remember you’re under divine protection. Angels are all around you guarding and protecting you. God is looking out for you and your family. Think of the things that should have happened, but you escaped them. Think of the things you dodged. There’s some battles ahead of you, but you’re under divine protection. 


And then lastly, remind yourself of who God is. He is able. He is a way maker. He is a miracle worker. He’s Jehovah-Jireh, your provider. He’s Jehovah-Nissi, your victory banner. He’s Jehovah-Tsidkenu, your righteousness. He’s Jehovah-Shalom, your peace. He’s Jehovah-Shammah, the God who is there. He’s Jehovah-Rapha, the God that heals you. He is God almighty, the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. Your God is magnificent and He’s on your side!


Watch the Full Sermon Here
