How To Be A Giant Slayer (Part 2)
“Since then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.” Colossians 3:1 (NIV)
David demonstrated many characteristics that distinguished him from the crowd. He was a giant slayer because he had qualities that most people don’t possess. First, he was submitted to the authorities in his life. Second, David “rose early in the morning.” (1 Samuel 17:20) If you are going to conquer a giant, you have to have discipline. You may not feel like going to church every week, reading your Bible, praying, or worshiping, but you cannot be led by your emotions. To see victory in your life, you have to do the things that will keep you close to God, whether you feel like it or not.
The third remarkable thing about David was that he refused to be intimidated. Goliath talked down to David and told him that he would be easily defeated. Goliath knew that the people were terrified of him and his army. But there was one who wasn’t. God has not called us to live, intimidated and afraid. If you rise up and pray, you will begin to see that your God is bigger than your giant. You will discover that your child's rebellion is not as scary as you thought. Losing your job isn’t the end of the world, and better doors will open. That diagnosis does not define your life. God’s word says you have a glorious destiny in this life and the next. When you start declaring the Word of God over your problem and praising God for His greatness, He will lift you up. You will begin to see a God who is bigger than anything you could face.
The fourth thing that David did that set him apart from the others was he focused on the reward. He didn’t obsess over the cost and the risk. David walked into the camp and heard the people talking, and someone said, “The king will give great wealth to the man who kills Goliath. He will also give him his daughter in marriage and will exempt his family from taxes in Israel.” (1 Samuel 17) Then David asked someone again, “What will be done for the man who kills this Philistine and removes this disgrace from Israel?” And the person told him the prize. Then he asked yet a third person, “What will the reward be?” Three times he asked! This mindset is a big quality of a giant killer. Giant killers focus more on the reward than the risk.
When you get into a battle, the enemy wants you to focus on the wrong thing. He wants to take your eyes off the prize. He wants to smother your faith with fear. He wants you to look at the circumstances and the obstacles and be terrified. He wants you to give up. But the battle is worth fighting. It will be worth it to get to Heaven and see your spouse, your son or daughter, and their husbands, wives, and children standing there. The streets of gold and the crystal sea will be worth it. Living eternally with Jesus will be worth it. It’s worth the fight. Focus on the reward because one day, it will all be worth it.