Daily Devotion

October 17, 2024

Give God Your Best

“I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10


Do you know what God expects of you? He wants you to become your best. Life is God’s gift to you. What you do with your life is your gift back to God. We are all born as originals, but sadly, we often die as copies. God has put in every person a unique treasure, a gift, and a special purpose. You should never go around trying to be someone else. You’ll never be what they are, but the good news is they’ll never be who you are. Life’s greatest failure is not to be true to the best life God has put inside of you to live. 


God wants to bring out the best in you. 1 Peter 2 talks about how the people were once ungodly, but then he says (paraphrased), “But the church and Jesus brought out the best in you.” Sin lowers, lessens, and shrinks your life, but you can rise above that way of living. Never settle because you can be better than you are. You can do all things through Christ, your source of strength.


There is something mighty in you. So why live in defeat when Jesus has put victory in you? Why live in bondage when Jesus has put freedom in you? Why live in sin when Jesus has placed goodness in you? Why live in mediocrity when God has put greatness in you? You have not yet reached your highest capacity. Satan wants you to only give some of yourself to God. But in Revelation 3:16, God said, “So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.” In other words, God was saying, “I was displeased because you did not give me your best.”


God has mind-blowing plans for your life and will stretch you beyond what you can imagine if you just give Him your best. Pray this prayer today: “Lord, here I am. I want to provide you with my best each and every day. Take my family, my marriage, my home, my children, and everything that I am. I hold back nothing because you held back nothing but offered your son so that I could live life abundantly. I want my life to be spilled out as an offering to you. I lay down before you all my dreams, gifts, and opportunities. Fill me with your power and anointing to live an extraordinary life and impact this world. Amen.


Watch the Full Sermon Here
