Daily Devotion

August 5, 2024

Better Is Coming (Part 2)

“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” Psalms 30:5


In the 32nd chapter of Jerimiah,  the prophet  sat in a sewage pit because the king had gotten angry with him, God started speaking to him. God told him to believe that better days were coming and to demonstrate his faith by investing in some land. It seemed like the most outlandish thing to do, considering his city was under siege and he was imprisoned, but God did not want us to operate on circumstances. He wants us to live by faith. Jeremiah's buying of land solidified that he was buying into God’s promise of a better future. 


God even sent Jeremiah’s cousin to his prison to show him grace and give him hope for a different tomorrow. God wants you to know that He’s not done with you. You may have a dysfunctional family, a troubled business, or a turbulent marriage, but God wants you to believe that things will get better.


Your problems may not resolve in a week or even a month, and there’s no set time for your miracle. But God wants to store hope in your heart today. He wants you to know without a shadow of a doubt that deliverance is on the way. 


Get the right mentality and decide that you are not going to give up now! Is anything too hard for the Lord? Your family, business, and marriage are going to see better days. Don’t let the pain of your present prison cause you to give up on your future. Better is coming!


Watch the Full Sermon Here
