Daily Devotion

August 22, 2024

Your King Is Awake

“He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber.” Psalm 121:3


Did you know that God never sleeps?


It’s true. Your King Jesus has been walking up and down the floor, and you’ve been pacing even more than you. He’s planning your victory more than the devil’s plotting your defeat. Your King isn’t asleep. He’s active. He has a plan. And He’s for you.


Perhaps your family had a heated argument recently, maybe even last night, and unkind, cruel words were spoken. Perhaps you’re walking through a medical situation. You dread going back to the hospital. The “C” word—cancer—is tormenting you. The possibility of disease is keeping you up at night. The problem is real, and you’re filled with fear. Perhaps you’re agonizing over a child or grandchild who’s made some foolish decisions. Perhaps your situation is not something external, like finances or work-related, but internal—an addiction, depression, or an unrelenting chorus of negative thoughts and paralyzing lies. Perhaps you find yourself wondering, Where is God?


Jesus said, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28, NKJV).


If you’re experiencing grief, if there’s a pain in your heart, if there’s a heaviness in your spirit, if there’s a struggle in your life, God cares about it. He wants to exchange your worry for rest. And He won’t fall asleep on you. You can trust Him.


The God who keeps you will not slumber.


Watch the Full Sermon Here
