“We shall be like him”
“We shall be like him.” 1Jn 3:2 NIV
Let every parent of a Down syndrome or wheelchair-bound child write these words on the bedroom wall. Let the disabled, infected, bedridden, and anemic put themselves to sleep with the promise: “We shall be like Him.” Let amputees and the atrophied take this promise to heart: “We shall be like Him.” We shall graduate from this version of life into His likeness. You’ll have a spiritual body. In your current state your unregenerated flesh battles your regenerated spirit. Your eyes look where they shouldn’t. Your taste buds desire the wrong drinks. Your heart knows you shouldn’t be anxious, but your mind still worries. Can’t you relate to Paul’s confession? “I truly delight in God’s commands, but it’s pretty obvious that not all of me joins in that delight. Parts of me covertly rebel, and just when I least expect it, they take charge” (Ro 7:22-23 TM). In heaven your “parts” will no longer rebel. Your new body will be a spiritual body, with every part cooperating toward one end. Joni Eareckson Tada, who’s been confined to a wheelchair since age seventeen, says: “I can’t wait to be clothed in righteousness, without a trace of sin. True, it’ll be wonderful to stand, stretch, and reach to the sky, but it’ll be more wonderful to offer praise that’s pure. I won’t be crippled by distractions, disabled by insincerity. I won’t be handicapped by halfheartedness. My heart will join with others and bubble over with effervescent adoration. We’ll finally be able to fellowship fully with the Father and the Son. For me, this will be the best part of heaven.” The word for you today is: “We shall be like Him.”