Daily Devotion

March 16, 2025

We Have To Get The Fire Back!

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:9 


In London, England, a fire broke out, turning the tide for an entire nation. It’s known as the Great Fire of London. Every spring, a terrible plague broke out in London called the Bubonic Plague or the Black Plague. They called it the Black Plague because it seemed to manifest itself at night, under the cover of darkness. The people would get sicker at night, and many of them would die at night, and they could not figure it out. This went on year after year, and every spring at the same time, London would get this terrible plague that would kill thousands upon thousands of people.  


But then the Great Fire of London hit, and the heat from that fire was so intense that it even spilled over into the sewer system beneath the city. Somehow, the toxic waste that was down there caught on fire and ignited, and the sewer system of London just became one blazing furnace of fire. Even when they finally got the fire put out in London, they could not control the fire that was burning down in the sewer.  


Finally, they sent some people down to check out the damage, and what they found was astonishing. They discovered the carcasses of millions upon millions of dead rats. It was wintertime when the fire broke out, and what is amazing is that for the first time in over a decade, the spring plague did not show up in London. The plague ceased and they couldn’t understand it until they researched and found out that there were fleas that carried the disease on those rats that would come up at night from the sewer looking for food. The fleas on the rats were infecting the people with the Black Plague. But when the fire came, it purged out and killed all the rats and fleas that were destroying their city.  


In the same way, the fire of God purges the sewer of our soul and destroys those hidden things that come out of the dark places of our life. When the fire of God comes, it goes deep into the areas we don’t want anybody to know we have. It begins to kill all the things that infect, destroy, and plague us. When the fire of the Holy Ghost comes, it purges the inner man. It removes the plague of lust, ungodliness, evil speaking, unforgiveness, and every unclean thing that is in our souls. 


And after the fire comes new life.


Watch the Full Sermon Here
