Daily Devotion

September 14, 2014

Walking on Water (3)

“God is…a very present help in trouble.”                                 Ps 46:1 NKJV

Let’s observe two final things: (1) Between the dread and the devastation, look for the Deliverer. Picture a boat lashed by huge waves, and frightened disciples who thought they were going under. They forgot the promise: “God is…a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear” (vv.1-2 NKJV). They didn’t look for Jesus to rescue them. Yet as the night advanced and things looked hopeless, He “went to them, walking on the sea” (Mt 14:25 NKJV). Did they rejoice? No, their fear intensified and they said, “It’s a ghost!” (v.26 NKJV). Look out! Your fear can distort your perceptions and make you see the answer as just another problem. Often what appears a threat is actually a blessing about to manifest itself. For example, you lose your job and God opens up a better one, but your fear and inadequacy make you avoid the interview. Look to Jesus in your time of fear; when He takes away the lesser it’s always to give you the greater. (2) God’s best always requires facing what you fear. Jesus called Peter to come to Him. Deciding it was safer in the storm with Jesus than in the boat without Him, Peter walked toward Him. But there’s always a moment after you step out in faith when you hear, “What if I’m not up to this?” Peter heard it, and the waves began to engulf him. Panicked, he called and Jesus immediately rescued him. Peter wasn’t drowning; he was learning and growing! When you walk by faith, even your failures will lead to success. So step out with Jesus; He won’t let you drown.
