This year recognize your calling
“It is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.” Php 2:13 NIV
By recognizing and fulfilling your God-given assignment in life, you free yourself from a sense of failure and are able to stop worrying about what others think. Why? Because your self-worth no longer depends on people, but on God! However, you must do these three things: (1) Be honest about your gifts, and recognize your limitations. Don’t go through life as a stranger to yourself. Honestly assess your strengths and weaknesses; ask the hard questions and be willing to live with the answers, even if it means letting some things go. Michael Novak writes, “God knows what’s in us for He put it there. And He intends us to do something with it.” Each of us has been given a calling in life, and happiness belongs to those who find and fulfill that calling. (2) Allow God to work on you. Sometimes an amateur potter limits the potential of clay by seeing it only as a flowerpot. But a master potter sees much more—he or she knows what it can become. Watch them; they don’t merely impose a shape on it, they release the shape that’s already within. And that’s what God does with us. (3) Recognize your source. Fulfilling your life’s assignment begins with identifying the desires God has placed within you. “It is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.” Who’s at work within you? God! Where do your desires come from? God! Where do your abilities come from? God! So make knowing God and walking in step with Him be your highest priority this year.