Daily Devotion

September 24, 2024

The Power Of One Voice (Part 3)

“The kingdom is the Lord’s, and He rules over the nations.” Psalms 22:28


We are at a pivotal time in America. God is looking for ministers and Christians to stop shrinking their beliefs and stand for what is right. God’s word is God’s will. We can see the ripple of influence throughout history in men like Reverend John Muhlenberg. On January 21st, 19,76, he got up and preached from Ecclesiastes 3, “There is a time for peace; There is a time for war.” John said, “Ladies and gentlemen, the British are coming, and it’s time for war.” Then, he shocked his congregation. He took his black robe off and had a colonial uniform underneath it. John had joined the army. George Washington had recruited him to form a regiment in Virginia. The pastor walked down the church aisle and said to the men in the congregation, “If you believe in freedom and you want to see your sons and daughters raised in the faith that God has given us, follow me,e and let’s go fight.” In just half an hour, 162 men enlisted in the 8th Virginia Regiment and set off to fight for their country's independence.


Following the Revolutionary War, John Muhlenberg continued serving the fledgling republic as a U.S. Senate and House of Representatives member. The “Patriot Pastor” became a remarkable symbol of faith and freedom in American history.


Another preacher named James Caldwell took a strong stand for liberty. His sermons encouraged the colonists to fight. He became such an enemy that Britain put out a contract on his life and called him “The Rebel Priest.” When he walked out with his Bible, he reached up under his black robe and pulled out two pistols that he lay to the right and left of his Bible. Thankful. Today, we don’t have to fight with bullets and guns, but we do have to fight with words of will, courage, and backbone. 


We need men and women to stand up against the immorality in America today. Caldwell laid his pistols on the podium every Sunday and preached the gospel. They couldn’t get to him, so they killed his wife. After he went to the funeral, he rode immediately from the funeral to the frontline to fight for the freedom that we have today. This small army held back and ultimately defeated the British empire.


Where would we be today if brave American preachers and Christians did not rise and take action against injustice and immorality? We need to wake up to what is happening and take action to keep God on the throne of America.


Watch the Full Sermon Here
