Daily Devotion

May 26, 2024

Rubber Band Faith

“And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” Hebrews 12:1-2


Faith is like a rubber band; it is useless unless it is stretched. Entering a new season of growth and purpose requires you to stretch your faith. Like a rubber band, you will experience tension, stress, and discomfort at times. This process isn’t bad; it is powerful because God performs His greatest miracles in your life when you leave your comfort zone.


We all want our lives to be comfortable, laid back, easy and predictable. But sometimes, you have to be willing to step out and stretch your faith to a new level. That’s when God shows up and does what you cannot do. It’s okay to find yourself in situations where you think you are bound to fail without God’s intervention. Until you arrive at that place, you are not living at the level of faith that God has called you to live.


Ask God to stretch you. Be bold. Be courageous. Step out. You were made to be stretched. You were not made to be comfortable for the rest of your life. That’s not where joy and fulfillment are found. If you hold a rubber band in your hand, it’s useless until it’s stretched. The same is true concerning your faith. You must stretch to catch the next opportunity God wants to send your way.


Rubber band faith is risky but rewarding. Stretch yourself; you won’t snap. Have the courage to leave your comfort zone and allow God to use your life in powerful ways as you increase your level of faith.


Watch the Full Sermon Here
