Power Relationships
Two are better than one….For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up. —Ecclesiastes 4:9–10
God wants to release Power Relationships in our lives. The number one reason that people don’t get where God desires for them to go, in my opinion, is that they do not know who they’re supposed to be around and who they’re not supposed to be around. There are three principles that I want to share about Power Relationships.
- All good things in life flow through relationships. The Bible says that “two are better than one” (Ecclesiastes 4:9).
- A power connection is God’s blessing for transition in your life. In other words, anytime you’re about to go to a new level or enter into a new season, God will bring new people into your life. These people—some of them saved, some of them not saved—can become the Power Relationships that release you from the old and move you into the new season that God has for you.
- Dormant potential can be unlocked if you enter into Power Relationships. I love this concept because it’s the simple truth.
You see, there’s a “real you” trying to break out. Power Relationship people are those who speak to that element inside of you and lead you to become the person you’ve always dreamed that you could be. This can’t happen unless you get around a Power Relationship that liberates you from the old patterns, old mess, and old way of thinking that the enemy enslaved you to.
Somebody else is already at the level you’re going to. That’s a Power Relationship! Somebody else has already made it through the mess you’re trying to find your way out of. God has a Power Relationship for you with somebody who’s already standing at the place God is leading you to. And that person knows how to reach back down to you; that person knows how to get you from where you are to where you need to be.
All you need to do is ask God for your Power Relationships for the upcoming year, because they’ve got the information you need.
Lord Jesus, thank You for the Power Relationships that You bring into my life during times of special transition. I ask with confidence and boldness that You will continue to bring these important relationships and connections into my life in the coming year. Use them to unlock dormant potential and lead me into a deeper understanding of Your will and perfect plan for my life. In Your precious name, amen.