Daily Devotion

October 19, 2015

Pastor, how are you doing? (2)

“The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” Jn 10:11 NIV

Sometimes pastors hide behind their busy schedules to avoid having to say no to people. Jesus knew when to get involved, and when not to. Learn from Him. You’ll never be able to respond effectively if you feel obligated to meet every need all the time. And God’s not asking you to. He only expects you to respond to what He sends your way. One pastor says: “I’ll never forget my guidance counselor’s face when she heard I was going into the ministry. ‘But you don’t even like people!’ she exclaimed. I remember thinking, ‘So what? Ministry’s about preaching and leading a congregation to greater heights. I don’t have to worry about individuals.’ But that’s a myth. We dare not become so program-focused that we flee from the next person God sends our way. I’m amazed how far bureaucracies will go to make systemic change, rather than making an exception that would easily fix the problem. Personal needs are too significant to commit to the rigidity of any program. Some of us think the problem with handling needs personally, is that they can multiply like rabbits. Plus, programs exist to prevent you from becoming overwhelmed, right? Wrong! The ‘ministry myth’ that says, ‘What you do for one you must do for all,’ is a recipe for burnout.” Jesus spent much of His time ministering to individual needs. And He said, “The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” But in order to do that you must make room in your life for the unexpected.
