Daily Devotion

August 26, 2024

Overcoming The Fear Of Failure (Part 2)

“And without faith, it is impossible to please God…” Hebrews 11:6 


Many people are living their lives at a lower level than what God wants them to live. You will never please God by playing it safe. Without faith, it is impossible to please Him. Faith is moving beyond what you have done in the past and doing something new that you feel the Lord is leading you to do. It’s taking a risk. In the parable of Matthew 25,  the man who hid and buried his talents was reprimanded by the master. The master told him he was “wicked” for burying his potential. You will displease God if you hide your talents and take them with you to the grave. 


There are books that were never written because fear stopped people from doing them. There are businesses that could have bettered the world, but they were never started because fear kept people from taking the leap. So many dreams go unrealized. When God saved you, He did not just give you a new identity but also a purpose. But to fulfill that purpose, you will have to shake off the spirit of fear of failure and try new things. 


There is a story of a tourist who came into a rural town. He spotted a farmer sitting on his porch in a rocking chair that overlooked a huge expanse of fields. The tourist came up and asked him, “Sir, what are you going to do with this land? Are you going to plant some cotton?” And the farmer said, “No because I’m afraid the boll weevils will come and eat it.” So then the tourist asked, “Are you going to grow some corn?” And the farmer replied, “No, I’m afraid if I invest in corn, the locusts will just come and destroy it.” So the tourist said, “Well, you could at least get some beef cattle and let them graze in the fields and make some money that way.” But the farmer said, “I’m afraid the price of beef will go down. I don’t want to get any cattle.” So the tourist asked him, “Well, what are you going to do with all this land?” The farmer replied, “Nothing.”


That farmer was sitting on 75 acres of wasted potential. A lot of us do the exact same thing. We allow our potential to become a barren wasteland that could have produced so much. Playing it safe will never please God because He requires us to be people of great faith. Don’t waste your life sitting on the porch rocking chair. God has so much more for your life!


Watch the Full Sermon Here
