For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7 NKJV).
Once when my sister was fasting for her family, I asked her how the fast was going. Then I watched the biggest tears gently overflow from her beautiful blue eyes. In a quiet voice, she said: “This is all I can do. This is all I can do.” I said, “Then the fast is working.”
When God sent Samuel to anoint a new king, He told him not to look at the outer appearance or physical strength of the brothers. It wasn’t strength or stature that God required. None of those boys spent hours alone with God the way that their little brother David did; none of them sang to God in the dark hours of the night with no one to listen but a few restless sheep … and heaven.
David was anointed as the king God had chosen for Himself because he had a heart for God, a brokenness that God could fill.
Sometimes the position of your worship reflects the condition of your heart. When we bow down before the Lord, we’re giving Him the opportunity to lift us up. Through our brokenness, we make room for His strength. Through our weakness He can accomplish His plans.
Take my brokenness and create a life You can use. Your grace is sufficient for me. Make Your power perfect in my weakness. Let me rejoice in my brokenness knowing Your power rests in me.