Affair Proof Your Marriage (Part 2)
“Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Luke 6:31
A man was giving a lecture at a university called “How to Make Your Wife Treat You Like a King.” The lecture was well attended by men. So he walked up onto the stage and said, “The answer is simple, if you want your wife to treat you like a king, treat her like a queen.”
If there were more courting in marriage, there would be fewer marriages in court. Never stop dating your spouse. Remember how considerate and sweet you were to your spouse when you were dating. You anticipated that time with them with excitement. You lived for the next moment you could see them or get a phone call from them. Ask yourself today, “Have I become complacent in my marriage? Are we just going through the motions on autopilot?” You may say, “Well, my marriage is as good as most.” Over fifty percent of marriages end in divorce, so you have to do better than “good enough.”
It was God who said, “It is not good for man to be alone.” The first book in the Bible begins with a wedding in the Garden of Eden. The book of Revelation ends with a wedding, the marriage supper of the Lamb.
Someone did a study about penguins. In the Antarctic, where it gets 50 below zero, they are the only animals that don’t migrate to another place. They have figured out the secret to enduring the winters. The harsher it gets, the more they huddle up together. Their strength is in their unity. They put their little ones inside their little bubble. It’s a cold world, and the enemy will constantly be attacking your marriage and your family. He knows if he can get you to separate, your children will be more vulnerable. You can’t let the storms pull you apart because you are better together. You are stronger together, and the unity and covenant of a godly marriage is a heritage that will bless your children and your children’s children.