We are to seek God first and fervently. We begin the year with a fast. It’s a season to seek Him with all of your heart. When we are seeking God, we are stronger when temptation comes. And conversely, when we are not seeking Him, we are much weaker. If you want to walk in the power and strength of the Holy Spirit, seek His presence through prayer, worship, and His Word.
God searches through the whole universe to see who is seeking Him. Are you seeking God daily? Will you? Is He your first thought in the morning and throughout the day? Do you spend time in His Word daily or is it something you do now and then? Seeking the Lord unlocks many blessings and purpose according to God’s Word. Why not change things? Make this year different. Make your future different than the past!
Key Scripture
Psalm 63:1-3; Psalm 9:10; 10:4; 14:2; 15:16; 27:8-10; 34:10; 40:16; 119:103; Jeremiah 29:11-14; II Chronicles 26:5-15; Ezekiel 3:1-3; Hebrews 4:12; Amos 8:11; Romans 10:17
People that Have a powerful relationship with God
1. Have others pouring into their life. Are their teachers in your life? Do you have coaches or spiritual leaders that help you grow in your faith? Who are you listening to? Who is pouring into your life?
2. Have Pain and problems. Pain and problems drive you into a relationship with God. God does not forsake those who seek Him. God’s definition of wickedness is a person that does not seek God. Righteous people seek God. Prayer and the Word of God should be the first place you turn when you are in trouble or pain.
3. Seek God with their whole heart. God promises to be found if you will seek Him with your whole heart.
Final Thoughts
How is YOUR seeking going? If you will seek Him, He WILL be found by you when you seek Him with your whole heart … your WHOLE heart. How about God’s Word? Do you spend time in God’s Word? Faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17). If you will seek Him, God will speak to you.
Seek Him! Go after God and aggressively seek Him this year.