Daily Devotion

September 11, 2024

When The Going Gets Tough…

“And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.’” 2 Corinthians 12:9 


There are going to be times when your circumstances are inconsistent with your dreams. Joseph had a dream, and then his brothers attacked him; he was thrown into a pit, he was lied to, he was put in prison, and he went through many other difficult challenges. All of that was inconsistent with his dream. When your dream doesn’t match your circumstances,  you can settle and give up, or you can believe that your dream will be fulfilled if you keep going. Never allow circumstances to change the dream God has put in your heart. 


Dreams will demand perseverance. There will be times when your present circumstances are not consistent with your dreams, but Habakkuk 2:3 says, “Though the vision tarries, wait for it, for it will surely come to pass.” Joseph’s story teaches us that there are seasons to life. He saw that there would be seven years of plenty and seven years of famine. And so it is with a dream. There are times when your dream seems easy, and there are also seasons of struggle, though fortunately, there are no permanent seasons.


Dreams also demand integrity. When God started raising Joseph in Potiphar’s house, he got around the housewives of Egypt. Mrs. Potiphar started hitting on Joseph. You have to watch it when God begins to bless a dream because dreams require character. Dreams require morality. The higher God raises you up, the more temptation there will be to get distracted with the pleasures of the world. After God saw that He could trust Joseph to resist temptation, he entrusted him with more. 


Say this prayer today. “Lord, please ready my heart to do your will. Help me to develop perseverance to keep going when the dream you have given me hits a roadblock. Help me to have integrity and character to handle success and blessings when they come. Most of all, let me do everything for your glory. Amen.”


Watch the Full Sermon Here
