Daily Devotion

September 3, 2024

What’s Your “I Must?” (Part 3)

“It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; He causes me to stand on the heights.” Psalms 18:32-33


Having an “I must” purpose will drive you. It'll cause you to cast off restraint. It'll cause you to override your timidity and insecurity. An “I must” will drive you to do something regardless of how impossible it may look. An “I must” calling made David stand before Goliath and take him down. It made Jacob wrestle with an angel and defeat him. Jacob said, “I will not let you go till you bless me.” An “I must” conviction compelled Joshua to make the sun stand still for 24 hours.


When you have an “I must” purpose, nobody can tell you that it’s too hard. It won’t matter that the resources aren’t there. When Peter was driven by an “I must,” he walked on the water to get to Jesus. Have you ever seen a mother who feels like her baby is threatened? Have you ever seen those stories in the news where a car accident happens, and the car is on the child, and a little woman picks up the car and pulls the child out? That’s the power of an “I must.” 


Paul understood the power of an “I must” when he said in 1 Corinthians 9:16, “Woe is me and cursed is me if I preach not the gospel of Jesus Christ.” What is your “I must?” What were you born for? What, above all others, is the one thing you must do? Help the poor build a ministry? See your family saved? Set captives free? In Acts 27, even death had to give way to an “I must.” Paul was in a category-five hurricane. (You know it's a real hurricane when they give it a name.) And the crew had given up and thrown everything overboard. They had not seen the sun shine for 14 days, were lost at sea and they were saying, “We’re going to die.” But Paul said, “Everybody calm down. An angel appeared to me and said, you must testify for Christ in Rome. Therefore, if I must, the storm can't kill me until God's through with me.” 


If you've got an “I must” you cannot be stopped. You may have an “I must” to get that degree and to break poverty off your family. You may have an “I must” to see everyone in your household saved. Whatever God has placed inside of you to do, go and do it. Don’t let anything stop you. If God birthed it, He will bring it to pass. He will provide all that you need along the way as you step out in faith.


Paul was correct in what he told those sailors that day. Not one of them was harmed and he went on to preach in Rome. When God puts a plan in your heart He will be with you every step of the journey. He will pave the way. Psalm 139:5 promises, “You both precede and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head.”


Watch the Full Sermon Here
