Daily Devotion

August 12, 2018

What Is Your Life Founded Upon?

“Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?”   Lk 6:46 NIV


Jesus told a story of two men who built a house. The wise one built his house on solid rock; the foolish one built his on sand. When a storm hit both houses, only the wise man’s house was left standing. Now, Jesus wasn’t comparing wisdom with foolishness, because we’re all apt to be wise at times and foolish at others. And He didn’t say the house that survived was a believer’s house while the one that was destroyed belonged to an unbeliever, though that’s implied. He was comparing the two foundations (See Mt 7:24-27). So, what is yourlife founded upon? When things get bad; when your back is against the wall; when your survival is on the line; when you’ve used up your last ounce of strength—what is it that gets you through? Certainly not your wisdom or your church affiliation. Faithful believers sometimes flounder in the midst of life’s storms: an abusive relationship, a financial collapse, an unfaithful partner, an irreversible loss, the illness of a child, psychological and physical disability, etc. Jesus’ point was this: When the storms of life come, the only way to get through them is to dowhat He says! Because God always honors His Word, your obediencealigns you with His Word, His will, and His power to act on your behalf. As you walk in obedience God will enable you to come through this storm, no matter how long and hard it rages. 
