Daily Devotion

September 12, 2024

The Tough Get Going!

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord…” Colossians 3:23 


God-given dreams require perseverance and integrity. They also require discipline. David maximized his time while keeping sheep. It was a low job, but he didn’t waste it. He was target practicing, writing songs, learning to play the harp, figuring out how to protect sheep, and getting comfortable trusting God. His gift would make room for him in a palace before the president of his nation. David was watching the sheep while applying life applications. When nobody was watching, he was training for reigning. When he made his first trip to the palace, it was to take bread and cheese to his brothers. He was basically the pizza delivery guy that day. But that seemingly insignificant delivery opened the door for him to come into the presence of the king for the first time. 


Don’t waste any season of life that you are in. God will make your sorrow, hurts, rejection, and failure fertilizer for your dreams if you allow Him. Every job and every challenge will teach you something new that you will use later in life. Every single frustration will be a tool in your box for a future season. 


The last thing that a dream demands is faith. There are two reasons why dreams break down. Number one, people quit believing in God, and number two, people quit believing in themselves. There are people who believe in God, but they don’t believe in themselves.  And there are people who believe in themselves, but they don’t believe in God. But it has to come together. David knew who he was and who his God was. He knew that he had been able to defeat lions and bears in the past. And with complete surety, he told King Saul that he would see victory because he had served a mighty God on his side. Believe in yourself and your God. You are a world changer, even if you don’t know it yet!


Watch the Full Sermon Here
