Daily Devotion

September 23, 2024

The Power Of One Voice (Part 2)

“For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes…” Romans 1:16


In the book, “Don’t Vote Against God,” Dr. Bob Rogers talks about how ministers and Christians can powerfully affect change. He tells how the pilgrims came over and established this nation as religious sanctuaries for various denominations of Christians because they were not free to practice their faith then. England declared the Church of England the only religion the people were allowed to practice. From the beginning, American preachers have played a significant role in establishing laws that conform to biblical truth. Ministers in early history would preach sermons that would warn politicians that the church could not tolerate certain things. And if the politicians passed those bills, they would not allow them to remain in office. 


In the 1700s, the clergy focused on independence. They began to preach a warning to their congregations that the British would eventually try to take their freedoms away, including the freedom to worship. Everything would be taken. The American Revolution gave birth to the Black Robe Regiment when it was in full swing. The Black Robe Regiment referred to influential clergymen who promoted American independence. They were ministers who would walk into the pulpits, and boldly the scripture said about government and choosing leaders. These ministers mustered support from the congregations. 


We wouldn’t even be able to sit in our churches with the freedom of religion today if those brave pastors and congregations had not taken a stand. What will we tell our grandchildren years from now if our country has deteriorated with immorality or responsibility? Is it necessary to step up and speak up for God’s principles in our land?


Watch the Full Sermon Here
