The Power Of Forgiveness
“Above all, love each other deeply because love covers over a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8
In the story of Bathsheba, she had a grandfather by the name of Ahithophel. Ahithophel was a trusted advisor of King David. But one day, he witnessed David abuse his granddaughter Bathsheba and destroy their family by having her husband killed, and he never got over it. In 2 Samuel 15, the Bible says that when Absalom led a rebellion against David, that it was this man, the grandfather of Bathsheba, who sided quickly with Absalom. It was even Ahithophel’s idea that Absalom abuse David’s concubines up on the rooftop in front of all of Israel. He was out for revenge. After 25 years, he still had a root of bitterness over what David had done. Later, Ahithophel ended up committing suicide.
When you don’t get over something, and you let it take hold of you, you commit spiritual suicide. When you carry bitterness, anger, and unforgiveness against someone, then it’s only a matter of time before it spiritually affects your life.
Have you ever heard of Barsabbas? Barsabbas was in the running to replace Judas. It came down to him or Matthias, and he lost the election. Barsabbas didn’t get the job. It would have been a high honor to have been listed among the twelve disciples with his name written in the holy city. So what was his reaction? He could have gotten mad and decided to start his own church. He could have thought, “this man isn’t better than me!” But Barsabbas kept a good spirit. He got over it. It was disappointing, and he wished it would have been him who was picked but he didn’t get angry. Later in the book of Acts, when they were choosing someone who would go to Antioch for the Gentiles to be reached, they said, “Get Barsabbas.” When you keep the right spirit, even when things don’t go your way, your gift will make room for you.
When you choose to get over it and get on with it, God notices. He is pleased when you make loving others your paramount concern. When you choose to forgive, you are putting your love for your brothers and sisters over your own rights and pain. You are being like Jesus. He knew this is the secret to unleashing the greatest power the world has ever known