Personal growth (2)
“A wise man has great power.” Pr 24:5 NIV
Another indicator of your need for personal growth is—losing interest in your career. Many people think this comes from staying in one job too long, or experiencing a midlife crisis. The truth is, most of us lose interest in our job because we lose interest in growing. Consider those who experience the highest levels of intensity and creativity. Generally speaking, they’re passionate about their job and they’re not nearly as concerned about specifics as they are about “the big picture.” While those around them get bogged down in the minutiae of daily routine, growth-oriented people are busy swinging the bat and trying to hit the ball out of the park. These are people who are growing, learning, and expanding their experience—people who never lose interest in their work—or in life. Growing peanuts sounds pretty boring, right? Not to George Washington Carver! He studied them, developed them, discovered hundreds of different uses for them, and became so famous he was invited to Washington, D.C. to explain the secret of his success to a congressional committee. Here’s what he told them: “God created the peanut. So I just asked Him to tell me what could be done with it, and He showed me!” It’s that simple. Spend as much time expanding your knowledge and experience as you spend on the mundane, and see if your interest levels and excitement don’t change for the better. The Bible says, “A wise man has great power, and a man of knowledge increases strength.”