Daily Devotion

August 3, 2024

Moses Went Up

When Moses climbed Mount Sinai, he didn’t climb halfway and stop. He went all the way to the top, and when he got to the top, God gave him his assignment: the Ten Commandments.


Many times, people get halfway and stop. They stop when it’s comfortable before it gets hard. They want to play it safe. They want the security of halfway without the stretch that leads to their assignment.


Every time I’ve seen miracles happen, it has been when someone has gone all the way. When you refuse to allow the desire for safety and security to grip your heart, a breakthrough happens. But you have to make the climb in faith and keep climbing all the way to the top.


Moses repeated his trip up the mountain more than half a dozen times to meet with God. Each time, he went all the way up. Each time, it took faith to go again. Each time, he was blessed in God’s presence.


I don’t care how much you go to church, how holy you act, how blessed you are. If whatever you’re involved in does not require you to trust God and have faith for the top, you do not please God because “without faith, it is impossible to please Him…”

(Hebrews 11:6, NKJV).


Are you doing anything that requires you to have faith in God? If not, you’ve settled halfway. Get up. Keep climbing. Don’t quit until you reach the top of the mountain. Don’t quit until what you are climbing for requires faith.


Watch the Full Sermon Here
