Missional Marriage
“Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my co-workers in Christ Jesus. They risked their lives for me. Not only I but all the churches of the Gentiles are grateful to them.” Romans 16:3-4
There is a couple in the Bible who is often overlooked but they left a lasting impact on this world. They show us today how a marriage with a unified purpose can be a powerful force. Priscilla and Aquila are mentioned in six different passages in the Bible. They were not great preachers or singers, and there are no records of them performing mighty miracles. Aquila was a Jew who got saved in Jerusalem, and then he moved to Rome, where he met a Greek girl named Priscilla. Even though she was from a pagan background, she accepted Jesus also as her Lord and Savior.
They were just an average couple who owned a tent-making business together, but one day, they met a homeless man who we know as the Apostle Paul. They ended up housing him for 18 months as well as risking their lives to help him escape death. Despite many trials in their land causing them to uproot and move, they kept serving God, and their marriage stayed strong. Little did they know that the guy they were helping would write words that still comfort and inspire us today. Words like, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” and “If God be for me, then who can be against me?” This couple had common values. They both agreed to open their home and risk their lives. They were united in their purpose to spread the gospel of Jesus.
This same couple later met a man named Apollos, who spoke boldly in the synagogue, but he only knew about the teachings of John. They invited him into their home and explained the gospel to him more fully. Then they encouraged Apollos to go out and keep spreading the gospel, and he was used powerfully. Later, a revival broke out in the city of Ephesus, and Paul sent for Priscilla and Aquila to come and help. They turned their home into the first church in Ephesus!
This couple probably never realized the ripple effect their faithfulness had on the gospel being spread throughout the whole earth. But that’s what a missional marriage can do. God’s mission for your marriage is more than just raising kids together. Maybe you could be hosting a small group in your home or leading a ministry to help the hurting in your community. Maybe you could foster a child who is currently sitting in a group home with no family. Perhaps you could lead a mission trip to a country affected by an earthquake and help build houses. The possibilities are endless for those who are willing to open their hearts to help others. You and your spouse can make such a difference in this world if you join together. Together you can help build the kingdom of God in incredible ways.