Daily Devotion

March 7, 2025

Marriage Assassins (Part 2)

“Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.” Matthew 19:6 


Selfishness, immaturity, unrealistic expectations, and manipulation will hurt your marriage. The fifth deadly assassin of marriage is a lack of commitment. When you make your marriage vows you’re not just making a temporary commitment. When you say, “Till death do us part,” you’re not talking to their size eight because ten years later, they may be a size eighteen. You’re not just talking to a pretty face without blemish because one day she will age, have wrinkles, and look different. You are making a commitment to their spirit. The Bible says, “A threefold cord is not easily broken,” and that’s what marriage is. (Ecclesiastes 4:12) Marriage isn’t two separate strings, it is one string interwoven together.


There was a couple that was interviewed on our television program, Kingdom Connection. They talked about the days leading up to their wedding. The beautiful young lady already had her wedding dress and was a couple of weeks away from their marriage ceremony. A few days before the wedding day, she went to work, and something in the plant where she worked exploded. And when it exploded, it burned 70% of her body. She had third-degree burns all over her, including her face, and all of her hair was burned off. She was unrecognizable. But the amazing part of that story was when she said her fiancé was the first one there, and as soon as she gained consciousness, he looked at her and said, “Do you think you’ll be well enough? Are you going to still be able to make our marriage ceremony in a couple of weeks?”


He chose to marry her that day even though she was still bandaged and burned. Over the years, God has done a miracle in her life. You would never know she had been through this ordeal if you saw her today. That young man showed commitment. Commitment says, “I’ll be there when you are in the hospital. My hand will be the hand you’ll be able to hold. I’ll be the one who will be sitting on the porch sipping lemonade with you when we're eighty years old! I’m in this thing for life!”


Marriage is not just a never-ending Friday night date. Real marriage is an unshakeable commitment that lasts through losses, challenges and hardships of life. It is a spiritual bond that is precious to God.


Watch the Full Sermon Here
