How To Be A Giant Slayer
“Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7
God has called you to not only face giants but to defeat and destroy them. In the story of David and Goliath, notice that Goliath said, “If I win, then you and your army have to serve me and my people.” We are not just fighting giants that come against our lives. Every giant that we face affects our family and our future. If David had lost that battle, his entire family would have been enslaved. The next generation was dependent upon him defeating the Goliath that had come against him.
David was not just fighting for himself individually; he was fighting for his future and his family's future. You may think that what you are going through is a personal battle, but the enemy knows better. It’s not just about you. When you are fighting fear, depression, discouragement, addiction, alcoholism, lust, or any other personal sin, you are fighting for more than a personal victory. If you don’t get the victory, others will be affected.
David possessed the qualities of a giant killer, and we can learn from his life. First of all, David was submitted to authority. David’s father asked him to go and deliver cheese and bread to his brothers. In this season of David’s life, all his brothers were with the other soldiers doing big “important” things, and David was still tending sheep and doing menial tasks. It is interesting to note that this was David’s life even after the prophet had anointed him as the next king. He had not yet been appointed, but he had been told that God had chosen him to be the next ruler of Israel. David could have said, “Who do you think you are talking to? I am too important to be delivering meals. I should be in a position of prominence! But you want me to go to the battlefield in front of all the soldiers to serve my brothers lunch?”
But David did as he was told. His father was his authority. The Bible tells us in Romans 13:1 that everyone should submit themselves to authority. How you react to authority will determine whether or not you will ever be a giant slayer. Be careful how you talk to your parents or to the authorities that God has placed in your life. You can have great gifts, a big calling, or an incredible vision, but if you refuse to submit to authority, you will not go very far. Submit yourself to the word of God. Submit yourself to the leadership that God has placed you under because this quality will determine if you will become a champion in life.