Daily Devotion

January 11, 2025

Fasting is Hungering For God

“As the deer pants for the water brooks, So pants my soul for You, O God.” Psalms 42:1 


Do you want a spiritual hunger to grip you in this upcoming year? Are you willing to say, "I don’t want to just keep going through the motions, because I'm hungry for more of God.” Consider fasting as you start this new year.


All along our journey, we need to show God that we hunger for Him. Nothing else can satisfy. In the Book of 2 Kings 7, there's the story of a city that was completely surrounded and all its inhabitants were under siege. It was such a crisis that the people had run out of food. All the rations were gone and they were in a dire situation. The people became so desperate and hungry that they began to fight over things that they normally would have never consumed. The people in this city became so hungry that for 80 pieces of silver they could buy a donkey's head. They would cook it and eat it. The people were so desperate that for five pieces of silver, they could buy a cup of dove's dung. You see, when you're hungry, if you don't fill that hunger with the right things then you will begin to feed on things you said you would never consume.


When seasons get hard, if you don't direct your hunger towards a greater relationship with Jesus, the Word, and worship then those hungers will direct you to the wrong things. You'll begin to feed on things on the internet and things that are carnal and they will begin to leave your soul lean and empty. You will wither spiritually because what you truly need is God. What you are really experiencing is a God hunger that is crying out for more of Him. 


When you don't ever take time to feed your hunger for God you will be left feeling like something is missing. We try so desperately to fill what only God can fill and we will try to make ourselves happy with another trip, another event, another distraction, another promotion, another boyfriend or girlfriend, or another project. And we keep trying to fill the God hunger, but there is a gnawing and a grumbling inside that says, "Nothing can meet the need of God in your life but seeking Him." So purpose in your heart to get in the presence of the Lord this year. “For in His presence is fullness of joy.” (Psalms 16:11)


Watch the Full Sermon Here
