Daily Devotion

March 19, 2025

Don’t Lose The Fire

“Therefore, ‘Come out from them and be separate,’ says the Lord.” 2 Corinthians 6:17 


Fire is mentioned 549 times in the Bible. Romans 12:11 says, “Never be lacking in zeal.” The word zeal means to keep your spiritual fervor. Don’t start lacking in enthusiasm and zeal for God. Don’t allow your spirit to get cold and indifferent. Stay hot. That’s what makes us distinctly different and powerful in God.


God said in Zechariah 2:5, “I’m going to put a wall of fire around your city.” A wall of fire keeps the bad out and keeps the good in. If you are going to stay passionate about God, you’re going to have to have a wall of fire around you that keeps your heart pure. Don’t let the spirit of this age extinguish your fire for God. 


One of the priest's responsibilities in the tabernacle was to clean the firebox every morning. They had an altar where the fire was always burning. And their responsibility was to go in and sweep the firebox out because if they didn’t, the ashes would pile up and extinguish the fire. God wants you to keep your firebox clean. Continually clean the firebox out because if you don’t, the ashes will snuff out the fire of God in your life. Don’t let any sin or compromise get in your life. When we can sit and look at stuff on TV and on our phones that grieves God’s heart, and it does not even bother us, something’s got to change. It may be time to sweep out the firebox.


In Moses’ day, the people never let the fire in the temple go out. Many years later, the Israelites moved the altar into Solomon’s temple, and it was a magnificent sight to behold. They upgraded the altar from brass to gold. The temple was no longer a simple tent but a beautiful, elaborate structure that impressed even the richest of rulers who visited. But notice that even though Solomon moved from brass to gold, he kept the same fire burning on the altar.


Maybe you are progressing in your dreams, and God is blessing your life in amazing ways. But do not forget to keep the fire and passion of God burning in your life, no matter how successful you become. The story of the rich young ruler warns us of how material wealth can become an idol and snuff out our passion for God if we allow it. Whether you are in a tent or a palace, always keep the fire of God burning in your life.


Watch the Full Sermon Here
