Create Your Own Worship
Sermon Notes
Jubal was the first man to ever praise God with instruments. He created a way to worship God in the midst of a world filled with murder, idol worship, and violence. Jubal didn’t wait on someone else to worship the Lord. He created a way to worship God in the middle of the mess he was in. You must create a way to worship God no matter how bad your life may be. Fill the last week of your fast with praise and worship to God.
Key Scriptures:
Genesis 4:20-26; I Samuel 16:29; II Kings 3:15; Acts 16:25-26; Matthew 21:16; Leviticus 25:9; I Thessalonians 4:16
Key Points:
- Don’t wait until things get better to praise God. Praise was born on the Earth in the midst of chaos; it did not have an ideal start. Don’t wait until your situation gets better to praise God. Create a way to worship God in the middle of your mess.
- Praise brings life. Three verses after Jubal creates praise, Adam and Eve had a child to replace Abel. And in those times, men began to seek the Lord again. If you find a way to worship God, your praise will turn death into life.
- Praise makes you stand out. Jubal had two successful brothers who raised livestock and forged bronze and iron, but that didn’t stop him from praising the Lord. While his brothers were making things for men, Jubal was making praises for Him.
- Your praise is doing things in the future that you can’t see. If it wasn’t for Jubal, there would never have ever been any songs of praise. King Saul would have never been freed from demonic oppression, Elijah would have never been able to call on the ministrel, Paul and Silas wouldn’t have escaped the jail cell, and great songs of worship would never have been written. One man changed the world by creating a way to worship God in terrible circumstances. God will go into your future and change things as you praise Him.
- Praise gives you strength. There is power in your praise! When you praise God, it strengthens you to do what He has called you to do.
- All praise requires motion and noise. There are seven Hebrew words for praise; all seven include motion and noise. Don’t give more praise to your favorite sports team than to the Lord. It’s not about being emotional; it’s about being motivated!
- Praise sets captives free. The year of Jubilee was the year when all debts were canceled, and all slaves were set free. Jubilee is here now because of Jesus. If your sin caused Jesus to die for you, how much more will your praise cause God to bless you?
- Lift up the name of Jesus. Hallelujah literally translates to mean “Lift up the name.” Every time you say “Hallelujah,” you are creating your own worship and lifting up the name of Jesus! Don’t lift up your problems; lift up the name of Jesus!
Final Thoughts:
Don’t wait for the perfect circumstances to praise God. Instead, create your own way to praise and lift up the name of Jesus in every circumstance. As you do, your praise will go into your future and affect generations to come. There is power in your praise!