Sermon Notes

August 2, 2024

Better is Coming

The people of Israel were cut off and about to go into 70 years of Babylonian captivity. Jeremiah was put in the sewage of the dungeon up to his chest and only fed one piece of molded bread. And in the middle of that terrible situation, God said that better was coming. Don’t buy into the bad; buy into the good. God is not done. Grace is coming to your dungeon! Brighter days are on the way

Key Scriptures:

Jeremiah 32:6-17; Jeremiah 29:11; Jeremiah 29:4-7; Proverbs 23:23

Key Points:

  1. Grace always comes with action. Grace never comes with pity. Grace doesn’t ever tell you to give up or quit. Grace will say to you, “Buy in!” Believe what God says over what you are experiencing right now. Even if disease and death are at the door, there is still hope and a future! Buy into the fact that better is coming.
  2. Don’t be owned by your present; invest in your future. Don’t buy into the bad. The future is bright if you’ll hold on! Don’t let the pain of your present prison get you to give up on your brighter future. If God promised it, He will do it; nothing is too hard for Him!
  3. Brighter days are coming! God is in control. The question isn’t how long your suffering will last; it’s about how long you will last! Better is coming, so buy in now! Don’t buy into the bad news. It doesn’t matter how much pain is in your past because of how much favor is in your future! Better days are coming for you and the nation.
  4. God will give you victory on the same ground you were defeated in. There is a promise from God. A better season is coming. A better blessing is coming. Don’t let your internal storm keep you thinking about the bad.
  5. Affect your community now. God told the people of Israel to build houses, get married, and increase while they were going through 70 years of captivity. No matter what you’re going through, get a job, build your marriage, have babies, raise your family in church, get on the school board, keep loving people, and live an abundant and happy life! You are supposed to have an impact on where you are now.


Final Thoughts:

Don’t give up on the land God has put you in because the conditions are not permanent that you’re in presently. Don’t sell out; stand on the truth! It doesn’t matter what’s happening in the nation or your life because better is coming! Don’t buy into depression or curses; buy into the promises of God. Build houses, keep living, and enjoy your life! In the same place you sowed in tears, you will reap in joy! All things are working together for the good.
