Sermon Notes

January 24, 2021

Transferable Faith

There are different kinds and different levels of faith. People will often say they are “people of faith” but their attendance at the religious events doesn’t translate to their lives outside the church walls. There is a faith that is transferable—and it’s called transferrable faith.


Key Scripture
II Timothy 1:5-7; Hebrews 11:6; Isaiah 58; Matthew 6; Luke 4:5-6


Types of Faith
1. Abstract Faith. This faith has no definition and no manifestation. This person would say that they believe in something “out there,” but also believe there are many paths to God. They believe somewhere there is a higher power. In this group are also fortune tellers and tarot card readers and other spiritualist activities.


2. Ceremonial faith. These enjoy the ceremonies of the church such as baptism and communion and the major religious events. This person has a faith built on other people’s faith in God, but they have no personal relationship. They want a Christian wedding but it’s easier to have a Christian wedding than a Christian marriage. They want Jesus in the chapel when they are getting married but they want the devil to run the reception. They want the devil to be the DJ. In the church this can also apply to believers who believe in miracles, but just don’t think they are going to happen for them.


3. Transferrable faith. The only faith that will transfer to your family is your personal faith. Real faith does not require motivation to praise and worship. You have to have a personal inner voice, personal praise, personal devotion, personal sanctification and a personal walk with God. It’s possible to transfer our faith to the next generation and the next one. Believe God for transferrable faith. Personal faith is transferable.


4. The church is where the atmosphere of faith resides. Being around people of faith will activate your faith. This is why it is critical that you attend church and put down roots. Where two or more are gathered the Lord is there.


5. Other people’s spirit can get on you. Who you connect your life to matters. This can be for good or for bad. The right people will encourage your faith and pray for you and with you, but the wrong people will take you down the wrong paths to the wrong places.


6. Faith is the essential ingredient. Read Hebrews 11:6 and memorize it because it contains every key ingredient for your next season. Read it and claim this passage as your own. You need a word from the Lord for this year and He will reward you if you seek Him diligently. This is what your life is supposed to look like. Faith is the currency of heaven.


7. Faith is the currency of heaven. No faith, no things. The Kingdom of God is based on a rewards system—not welfare, but warfare. Salvation is free but everything else requires the armor of God and will require a fight on your knees and in your words and with your faith. In Luke 4 they wanted what Jesus was doing for others, but had no faith for themselves. There were many widows, but only one got a miracle. God is not moved by need. He is moved ONLY by faith.


Final thoughts
Something supernatural happens when you activate your personal faith or when you get around people who have faith. Through the atmosphere you are in, your faith gets activated. It is IN you—but you have to touch your own heart and declare that the anointing is in you, because the power of God and the Holy Spirit is in IN you. The faith you need is IN you. And now you need to stir up the gift that is in you. You have to get stirred up in your home and in your family. Ask the Holy Ghost to stir up your spirit and activate the personal faith that is in you. Proclaim these truths over your life today All things are possible with God. The season of unstable waters is over—there is coming stability and a rock solid foundation under your family. You are coming OUT with great victory and great substance. The hand of God shall come upon you. Change is coming. God is a rewarder of personal faith that diligently seeks Him, and this faith will transfer to your children, and to your children’s faith.


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