Daily Devotion

August 25, 2024

Overcoming The Fear Of Failure

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19 


God wants you to be fearless. He wants you to walk in great faith. Many of us struggle with the fear of failure. The Bible says that fear is a spirit. The fear of failure is a spirit that will keep you from all God has for you. The enemy wants you to stop dreaming, settle, and get complacent. He is afraid of the alternative. Imagine an army of God’s people who endeavor to do new and amazing things in this world without fear holding them back.


God can open any door and help you accomplish anything He puts in your heart to do. You just need to courageously step out and take some risks. Every time you try something new, the fear of failure will try to creep in. If you are considering taking a new job or starting a new relationship that could lead to marriage, there will always be that fear that you will mess it up. 


Don’t sit around and be afraid to try something new just because you’re worried you won’t succeed. That is not how God intended you to live your life. Fear of failure will stop you from becoming who God meant you to be. It will cause you to live a life of regret. Don’t spend your last days wondering, “What if I would have…” 


There is a story about a guy who came over to America and could not speak any English. He was terrified of failing and making a fool of himself, so he hired an English tutor. He asked her to teach him how to order in an American restaurant without embarrassing himself. So she simply taught him the words “hamburger, fries, and coke.” After growing tired of eating the same meal for a month, the man went to his tutor and asked her to teach him something new. He wanted to learn how to order breakfast. She taught him the words “eggs, toast, and juice.” It sounded easy enough, but when he went to order his new meal, the waitress asked him, “What kind of eggs?” and “Which kind of toast?” and “What type of juice?” The man thought for a minute, panicked, and replied, “hamburger, fries, and coke.” 


Many Christians live a “hamburger, fries, and coke” mentality their whole lives because when they are confronted with anything challenging or unfamiliar, they retreat back to their comfort zone. But God does not want you to live that kind of life. He has so much more for you. All you have to do is believe and step out in faith.


Watch the Full Sermon Here
