Life After Life
We are all going to die someday, that’s just a fact. But death is not our final destination. Heaven and hell are both real and our final destination will be one or the other. When we die our body stays here on earth, but one day it will be resurrected and we will receive a new body.
Key Scripture
I Corinthians 15:35-57, 5:8; Acts 26:8, Genesis 1:1: Psalm 139:16; Luke 24
Key Points
1. Everyone dies. We forget that there will be a last moment of life for each of us and all that will matter at that moment is what we did with Jesus. Did we accept Him or refuse Him?
2. As believers, when we die our spirits immediately go to heaven. Our bodies are just the pods our spirits live in.
3. At the second coming, graves will burst open and our earthly bodies will rise to heaven.
4. We have a promise in scripture of a glorified and resurrected body. The shell we are living in today will be perfected in heaven.
5. Your resurrected body will be uniquely you. We will not look like everyone else, because God sees us as individuals. Your DNA was written by God and He is going to resurrect your DNA, which was His creation.
6. God is going to infuse your body with perfection. You were sown in dishonor but will be raised in honor.
7. We have resurrection power coming into our bodies one day and we will be changed.
8. Our minds will be perfected at the resurrection. We use only a small fraction of our total mind now, but when He returns we will use our entire brain just like God created.
9. Death will be swallowed up in victory. Death has no sting. The grave has no victory over us because our graves will be torn open and empty.
10. Because He lives WE will live also! He destroyed death.
Final Thoughts
What a joy it is to live for Jesus. We do not fear death when we know Jesus. He conquered death and the grave, and the promise of a new body and eternal home is yours for the asking. Jesus is alive!!!
Just one question: If you were to die today are you certain about your eternal destiny? Have you accepted Jesus as your personal Savior? It is appointed unto each of us just once to die and then the judgment. You can be sure of your salvation today by asking God for forgiveness, inviting Him into your heart, and making Him your Lord and Savior.